Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He Who Must Not Be Named

This is my new baby.
He is so cute. I think he is definitely a male.
I am smitten to say the least.
Something about the smell of a new car just gets me excited. 
Yesterday Brock, my dad and I went to a car dealership and traded in my Mazda for this beauty tear
I will 100% miss my old car! His name was Kolby and he treated me well.
But, the time came to move on to a new relationship.
Kolby wasn't fulfilling all my needs.
Don't worry, there was no overlap in this relationship. I broke it off with Kolby before moving on.
Here is where I need your help.
What do I name my new Jeep?
Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm naming him Lord Voldemort
I can't help myself.
Any other ideas?

After the million hours we spent at the car dealership, we decided to make ourselves some cookies.
some delicious cookies.
To celebrate our victory
They are no-bakes which are sooo easy
We love making them.
But our secret is putting in extra peanut butter, but makes all the difference! Shhhhh :)

I am going out to dinner with my grandparents and brother tonight and I can't wait!
Then I have a job interview tomorrow.
This it turning out to be quite a delightful week :)


  1. So does that mean if I say your Jeep's name out loud, some death eaters will show up at my house?


  2. I don't think you want to take that chance


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