Monday, March 21, 2011

Dance Dance

What. A. Weekend.

So many miles driven. So many girls under the age of ten. So many pugs.
I went to visit my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins in McMinnville.
So fun! So chaotic!
Here is a quick picture tutorial of our weekend which revolved around Mia, my youngest cousin turning 9 years old:
What the heck?? I remember when she was born. How can she be nine?

I curled Mia's gorgeous white-blond hair for her day out. 
She is so cute with the thumbs up/sad face.

Then we went to breakfast and then went to get manis and pedis.
I have never been so proud of my feet.

Next we went to the Cheesecake factory.
I dominated my pulled-pork sandwich. DOMINATED.

Then we went to Claire's for Mia to shop and for my aunt to GET HER EARS PIERCED! 
Yeah, I know right??? So cool.

When we got back to the house is when things get crazy. 
Oh, hello there millions of grade-school girls. You are crazy, and loud, and a little dramatic.
But also cute!
They pretty much played Dance Dance on the Wii the entire time. 
Most entertaining game to watch. Ever.

Basically it was an awesome weekend. After all that we drove to Washington to go to another family get-together which was also great.
So much family, so little time.
It was great but I found out that is sucks to start a week after a less-than restful weekend.
Plus, I have missed blogging so much!
Enough of this busy stuff, I need to start blogging every day again!
Sheeeeeesh Olive.
Hope your Monday was a happy one!

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