Friday, May 20, 2011

Calves of Steel

People, it's a miracle.
It is Spring in Oregon. And it actually looks like it.
So what does that mean?
It means it was time for me to take my new wheels out!
And enjoy my cute boyfriend at the same time.

Best day of the Spring so far.
Maybe Summer is coming after all!


  1. oregon stole utah's sunshine and gave us rain! it's terrible! i haven't been able to ride my bike for a week now. i'm glad to see you got to take your wheels out for a spin. that is definitely one of the top reasons for summer. aaaaand i also hope you get to keep the sun so long as we get ours back as well. :)

  2. Ohio is all rain so I understand completely! And you're new wheels are beyond cool! I'm so jealous! I hope it stays sunny for you! Maybe send some my way?

  3. Super lovely blog!



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